Here’s a sampling of Twitter and LinkedIn social media posts and accompanying post graphics that I created with design software, Canva and Photoshop.

I selected the photos and icons, and in many cases changed the contrast to enhance the picture to make it more visually appealing and to allow the words to show up more for easier readability.

Twitter Post: I created this post by using a photo of the presenter of this event by using rule of thirds to draw the eye to the right of the  post.

Post wording: What are the five tiers of #emailmarketing? If you don’t know them, you might be doing your #emailcampaigns wrong. Check out #AMAChicago newest article about Email Marketing Blueprint workshop given by email marketing expert Karen Talavera. Read more:

#digitalmarketing, #contentmarketing, #email #marketinghack #marketing.

Twitter Post: I designed this post to match the photo colors. Notice the blue color of the center of the photo exactly matches the font color.

Post wording: The #voicesearch revolution is here. Are you ready? #AMAChicago presents a three-part series on voice search that starts today. Check out the first article:

#marketing, #digitalmarketing #google #googlesearch.

Twitter Post (video) Here is a Twitter video post that I created. Video is an integral part of any social media campaign and is popular on Twitter.

Post wording: Join #TheGrove for its grand opening with a celebration at the #GlenviewParkDistrict at 10 a.m. Feb. 22. You will see new exhibits including a giant sloth skeleton. Learn more:

#glenviewparks #glenviewevents #glenview

LinkedIn Post: I matched the blue cast of the photo to the blue box through a design program and added the AMA Chicago test to pull the eye to the right for visual appeal.

Post wording: What is the future of search? Soon everyone will be verbally telling google what to search for instead of typing it in. That will change search because the way people talk and type are different. Check out AMA Chicago’s latest article about the future of search:


LinkedIn Post: I matched font with the red in the logo for visual appeal and the added the AMA logo in the top right.

Post wording: Do you know your brand? AMA Chicago newest article by marketing expert Gary Kash teaches you how to leverage branding to reach more customers. Read more:


LinkedIn Post: I used bold colors to catch people’s eye and added the AMA Chicago where there was white space to enhance its position in the post. Branding is important in LinkedIn Posts and added a logo maximizes visual impact.

Post wording: Career coaches give you their best advice about navigating job search when the employment is not as its best due to COVID. Learn how to maximize your chances of landing your dream job. AMA Chicago newest article shows you how through career coaches who give you their top tips. Read more: